Monthly Archives: June 2011


Last week marked my blog’s one year anniversary.

When I started blogging, I intended for the site to serve as a journal of sorts during my trip to India. I didn’t really think anyone would read my blog except for my parents and the handful of friends I had emailed about it. I wrote mostly about football when I returned to Notre Dame in the fall.

Things changed when I wrote about my reaction to a Mass held for a classmate who was killed in an accident on campus. Because of Twitter and Facebook, the post quickly made its way through the ND alumni network. The comments people left on the post are truly astounding – a real testament to the power, strength, and compassion of the ND community. I never responded to the comments because I didn’t know what to say. I still don’t.

In January, I moved to Rome for my semester abroad. I had all kinds of fun blogging from Italy and writing about my experiences traveling around Europe and living in Trastevere. Now, I’m back in the U.S.A. and I have a summer of intern adventures in the Windy City ahead of me before I kick off senior year.

Things are still just as unsettled as they were twelve months ago. I have no idea where I’ll be or what I’ll be doing a year from now, but I’m eager to find out.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for a great year.

Here are links to some of my favorite posts so far:

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Filed under India, Italy, North Carolina, Notre Dame, Study Abroad